Revelio is a social network for the wizarding world. The name is inspired by the Homenum Revelio charm, which reveals the presence of humans in your vicinity.
How do I use Revelio?It's easy! Just type in a character name to look up anyone ("Harry", "Remus", "Tom Riddle") or type in other references to get a list of matching individuals ("Gryffindor", "death eater", "ghost"). Press the wand or hit enter to begin your search.
CreditsDeveloped by Andy Ng and Iman Ahsan.
Character data from the amazing Harry Potter API built by Kristen Spencer and designed by Arianne Glavina.
ArtHouse crests by Whitney Rosenberg from the Noun Project.
Death eater icon by Locad from the Noun Project.
Dumbledore's Army icon by lastspark from the Noun Project.
Family tree icon by Putu Kharismayadi from the Noun Project.
Ghost icon by Indra Anis from the Noun Project.
Phoenix icon by Design Rails from the Noun Project.
Wand icon by ATOM from the Noun Project.